North Delta & Ladner are a farming force in this itinerary.
Delta is home to many crops, from artichokes and zucchinis to sunflowers and pumpkins. But when summer comes along, all eyes are on our sweet berries. With U-Pick berries on your agenda, be sure to pack sun protection, water, farm-friendly shoes, and a bucket for your berry haul!
Farm Hop
North Delta

1. Didar Berry Farms
As the name suggests, Didar Berry Farms is a local go-to for u-pick blueberries and it's the first stop on this itinerary. As you head down 104th Avenue, keep your eye out for one of those quintessential red barns. Of course, they have one, and it's home to both their farm stand and the check-in point for their U-Pick fields. Get ready for an afternoon of well-rewarded labour.
Locals Know: Most farm stands only accept cash or debit! Be sure NOT to rely only on credit cards!

2. Porkmafia
For some authentic BBQ, be sure to pre-order from Porkmafia, right around the corner on 104th Avenue. From juicy ribs and smoked turkey legs to pork belly, they have the pork genre covered. A few bites in, you'll think you're in the deep south at a BBQ cook-off rather than the farmscapes of North Delta. Be sure to check their website for hours and preorder requirements.

3. Vandula Farms
Looking to add greenery to your life? Start at Vandula Farms, a locally owned, family business that offers fresh local produce market on-site every Wednesday, and an extensive selection of trendy potted indoor and outdoor plants, hanging baskets, gardening goods, and more.

4. Snow Farms
On your way out of Ladner, stop into the farm stand at Ladner's certified organic, family-run farm, Snow Farms. Their plot consists of three properties, covering over 100 acres, 40 crop varieties, and produces enough each year to fill 100 semi-trailers annually. A visit to their farm stand will help you create tonight's vegetable based dinner, so you can truly live Delta's farm-to-table lifestyle.

Photo Credits @DidarBerry, @Porkmafia.ca, @VandulaFarms, @snowfarmsltd, and@barnsidebrewing.